Liposculpture / Liposuction

Liposculpture / Liposuction

Liposuction, also known as lipoplasty or liposculpture, shapes the area of men and women removing the excess of fat. In some cases this removed tissue can be relocated in other areas, with the purpose of contouring and maintaining the esthetic proportions of the human body.

Dr. Illouz, a plastic surgeon from France, introduced the surgical technique in 1977. Since then, important advances have been done in terms of technique, technology and medical indications, which has made excellent results.

At present time it is enshrined as one of the revolutionary procedures of plastic surgery, statistically considering, that is the most performed procedure in the world.

Despite having very good health and normal physical conditions, some patients develop localized fat deposits making irregularities in the body shape. In this case the genetic predisposition is important.

In some cases, patients with mild skin flaccidity can improve with liposculpture, due to the secondary effect of contraction of the skin. This is important to be evaluated by the surgeon to define the expected benefits.

The main objective is a harmonious and equilibrated body by redistributing.

The surgical time depends on the number of areas to treat and the quantity of fat to remove. It takes 1 to 4 hours approximately.

Surgical Techniques

There are different surgical techniques maintaining the same principle of suction. Some of these techniques use the destruction of fat before suctioning it.

The surgical incisions are less than 1 cm in length localized in skinfolds, which makes it discrete.

Any surgical technique uses the infiltration principle with physiologic mixtures to reduce surgical trauma, reduce bleeding and to be able to remove greater amount of fat.

Usually small caliber canulas or tubular instruments (2, 3 and 4mm) are used for the extraction of fat.

In the last 20 years there have been many technological advances that have improved the results and recuperation time. This is thanks to the different equipment including conventional suction, ultrasound equipment, vibration equipment, laser and oscillator. Each of the above mentioned has its indications and mechanisms of action.

This is usually an ambulatory procedure in most cases, however 24-hour hospitalization may be recommended in extended surgical time, large quantity of fat suctioned and combined procedures.

Work up

Essential work up includes:

  • Complete blood count
  • Coagulation tests (PT, PTT and platelets)
  • Creatinine
  • Glucose level
  • EKG
  • Chest x rays
  • Other specialized tests (when required)

Post operative care

  • Early ambulation
  • Antibiotics and analgesic use
  • Compressive bandages or girdle for 4 to 6 weeks
  • External ultrasound and lymphatic drainage during the first 4 to 6 week after surgery


Working and social activities: 5 to 7 days

Sport activities: 2 to 3 weeks

It is important to mention that the recuperation time involves patient’s personality, individual threshold for pain, type of skin and physical constitution.

The final result can be observed between the 2nd to 6th months.


It is important to inform the plastic surgeon about:

  • Medical and surgical history
  • Medication (aspirin, oral contraceptives, natural products, etc.)
  • Allergies
  • Alcohol and smoking consumption

All of the above is important because it can increase the risks for complications

Liposuction surgery is a safe procedure, as long as it is done in a proper, well equipped, operating room in the company of a certified plastic surgeon. However, even in these conditions and taking into account that the patient is in good health, without any important history, there are risks for complications.

Complications in this procedure are associated with prolonged surgical times, large amounts of fat extraction or the combination with other procedures.

These may be some of the complications:

  1. Infections
  2. Inadequate wound healing
  3. Hematomas/seromas
  4. Fibrosis and irregularities
  5. Asymmetry
  6. Skin pigmentation
  7. Reabsorption of injected fat
  8. Anesthetic risks
  9. Deep vein thrombosis
  10. Pulmonary embolism
  11. Fat embolism